Take a look at our stories for inspiration when wearing your silk

#rabbitcollection #silkforholiday #silkloungwear #silkpyjamas #silktravelling

Tips to Inspire Balance in the New Year

By Nancy Liu

Welcome to a new year full of possibilities! As we stand on the threshold of the coming months, the importance of prioritizing balance and well-being...

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#classiccollection #rabbitcollection #silkloungwear #silkpyjamas

Silk – could this be the answer to a proper sleep for the long term?

By LiuNancy

Getting quality sleep is the first step to improving your life and achieving a sense of life balance. Especially during the upcoming festive season, it's...

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#classiccollection #rabbitcollection #silkforholiday #silkpyjamas

Celebrate in Red- the Color for Festivities and Confidence

By LiuNancy

Colors are more powerful that we realize and there is a science behind how colors trigger the subconscious of the people around you as well...

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